The silver linings playbook. Le prime foto dal set

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Queste sono le prime foto del nuovo film di David O. Russell (The Fighter), con Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro e Jacki Weaver.

Nel cast di The silver linings playbook, tratto dal romanzo di Matthew Quick, ci saranno anche Jennifer Lawrence,Chris Tucker e Julia Stiles.

Pat Peoples (Bradley Cooper) is a man always trying to look on the bright side of life – the title of the story takes it’s name from the expression that “every cloud has a silver lining.” Released from the hospital after losing his wife to another man, Pat believes this age-old adage is just the ticket to trying to win her back and get his life on track. Trying to remain resolutely undiscouraged, Pat moves back in with his parents and devotes himself entirely to becoming the man his wife always wanted him to be. But it’s an uphill battle. Until Pat meets Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence), a beautiful young woman whose life also has not turned out the way she wanted. Together, the couple will try and navigate through their lives and stay true to who they are, always just one adventure away from a unique friendship, and possibly even love.


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