Quentin Tarantino sul nuovo film

Volture del New York Magazine ha intervistato Quentin Tarantino, in occasione di una serata speciale in onore di Sidney Poitier, al Lincoln Center. Ovviamente l’argomento del giorno è la consegna del suo nuovo script, Django Unchained. Tarantino conferma che la sceneggiatura è completa e che è passata attraverso due riscritture. La sceneggitura è lunghissima, 366 pagine: il che equivale più o meno a 3 ore e mezza di girato.

Ecco qualche estratto:

What did you do after handing in the final draft of Django Unchained?
When I send out the script, I always have a little party at my house. I send it out to Harvey Weinstein and other people, and then my friends just show up all day long and just get their copy of it and drink Champagne and we celebrate.

How did you know when it was finished?
After the third draft I knew it was finished. [Laughs.]

Fair enough. What Westerns inspired you?
Every Western, no Western. It’s its own thing.

Did it take much convincing to get Christoph Waltz in it?
I didn’t say he was in it.

It has been reported that he’s starring in it.
Nobody is in it; I just wrote it Tuesday. I wrote it Tuesday. I’m not even directing it yet! I just wrote a script Tuesday, all right? It’s just a script. A piece of paper, a lot of pieces of paper. 366, to be exact.

It has also been reported it’s going to start filming soon. Is that a fallacy, too?
I have no idea when it is going to start filming. I’m going to say it one more time: I stopped writing it Tuesday.

All right. We’ll move on. Are you excited about any of the summer blockbusters coming out?
I don’t even know what the summer blockbusters are. I’ve been writing.

Thor‘s a big one.
I’m not excited about them, no.

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