The Grandmasters. Il primo trailer del nuovo film di Wong Kar-Wai

Ecco finalmente online il trailer di The Grandmasters, il film che Wong Kar-Wai 82046, In the mood for love) ha dedicato a Ip Man, il maestro di arti marziali, che insegnò anche a Bruce Lee.

With martial arts getting more popular in the Thirties, more people seek to learn them via the professionals at Foshan in Southern China. Some of the experienced masters like to challenge their counterparts and undergoing battles. To have their whole concentration, it is their practice to lock up the venues and no one is allowed to leave during battles. No food and no rest before reaching any results.

Ip Man is a young rich man extremely talented in martial arts, but he chooses to keep a low profile. Yet this doesn’t keep him out of these troubles ahead. One day he is trapped in this battleground so he has to use every means in order to get out of there. The masters are amazed by his abilities. Master Kung and his daughter Kung Yi are amongst, and the latter is attracted to this newcomer.

A high warlord is assassinated by his own guard Yi Xian Tian. All masters in Foshan vow to take Tian down no matter what….

E’ un ritorno al wuxia, per Wong, diciassette anni dopo il celebrato Ashes of time. Nel cast l’immancabile Tony Leung e Zhang Ziyi. Le coreografia sono dell’altrettanto leggendario Yuen Wo Ping (Matrix, La tigre e il dragone, Kill Bill).

Le riprese sono terminate il 12 maggio. La distribuzione internazionale è affidata alla Fortissimo Film.

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