Crimes of the Future: al via le riprese del nuovo film di Cronenberg in Grecia

Sono cominicate ad Atene e proseguiranno fino a settembre le riprese di Crimes of the Future, il nuovo film di David Cronenberg, interpretato dal fidato Viggo Mortensen, da Kristen Stewart e da Lea Seydoux.

Ha scritto Mortense: “As we begin filming ‘Crimes of the Future,’ just two days into this new adventure with David Cronenberg, it feels like we’ve entered a story he collaborated on with Samuel Beckett and William Burroughs, if that were possible. We are being pulled into a world that is not quite like this or any other, and yet is one that feels strangely familiar, immediate and quite credible. I can’t wait to see where we end up.”

Cronenberg ha scritto da sè la sceneggiatura, la prima da eXistenZ del 1999.

Secondo quanto riferisce Variety: “the film takes a deep dive into the not-so-distant future where humankind is learning to adapt to its synthetic surroundings. This evolution moves humans beyond their natural state and into a metamorphosis known as “Accelerated Evolution Syndrome” that alters their biological makeup. While some embrace the limitless potential of “transhumanism,” others attempt to police it.”

Il canadese Robert Lantos, con Cronenberg sin da Crash, è il produttore, mentre la Neon distribuirà il film negli Stati Uniti.

Le musiche saranno di Howard Shore. la fotografia di Douglas Koch.

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